• Futurism


Flaminio Gualdoni

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The myth of modernity told through the works of Balla, Depero, Boccioni and Prampolini. Paris, 20 February 1909. An article by the young Italian poet...

The myth of modernity told through the works of Balla, Depero, Boccioni and Prampolini. Paris, 20 February 1909. An article by the young Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti appears on the first page of the daily Le Figaro. It is the "Manifesto of Futurism", the artistic movement established in Milan in 1909 that expressed concepts of movement and speed through simultaneous visions and dynamic lines. Marinetti intends to challenge the Paris avant-garde not by proposing a new way of making art and literature but a new way of living that interprets in an allembracing way the new collective myth of modernity.

ISBN : 9788861305366
Format : Paperback
Category :Art